Tuesday 8 April 2008

Colour Inspiration

Well, its been a while... I've been busy busy but unfortunately not with Wedding plans. Mr DTP has had an accident and is hobbling around on crutches at the moment so there will definitely be no football in the run up to the wedding - unless we can decorate crutches in the wedding colours, hee hee ;)

And that brings me on to today's inspiration - my first attempt at a colour palette. I love the rich tones and pretty jewel colours. And the blossom tree aisle is just beautiful. I'd like to incorporate blue into our colour palette however I can't decide on any one scheme - maybe we can just have a rainbow scheme!?
Most pictures courtesy of The Knot. Brooch is from Just Divine and the pretty dress with the unusual flower details is by Jade Daniels.
P.S Does any one know how to turn your champagne blue?!