Sunday 23 March 2008

The one with the proposal...

Well, now I've spent hours playing around with all the buttons and customising my blog to make it look pretty I'm getting a little bit of stage fright! All this blank space and the conundrum of what to write about in my first post?! H2B and I were shocked today at the realisation that we have been engaged for almost 6 months so maybe I'll talk about how we got there...

Date: 23rd September, our 5 year anniversary as BF & GF.
Place: Our apartment
Setting: Romantic meal, rose petals, candles
...and I had NO idea despite my hubby to be, BG, planning to propose for almost a year. Well, thats until he started downing the wine during our meal earlier that evening - then I knew there was something going on. Although I had no clue and had made no hints, what was lovely is that it was the perfect proposal for me. A public proposal in unfamilar surrounds would have felt way over the top for l'il ole me but obviously everyone is different and some girls love a public proposal or a movie-worthy propsal at the Eiffel Tower. What's great is that BG knew instinctively what was right for me! Are there any other brides who'd like to share the details of their perfect proposal?

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